About the Council

The Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Council is a voluntary entity involved in a wide variety of activities for the benefit of the student body and postdoctoral fellows at the Weizmann Institute. The Council includes volunteers from all faculties at the Institute. Students are invited to participate in the Council’s monthly meetings, propose new ideas for improving student status, and automatically receive voting privileges upon joining.


The Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Council organizes and funds a rich array of events and academic, social and cultural activities throughout the year. It serves as the official representative of the students on several different committees and forums, including the Scientific Council, the Safety Committee and the Restaurant Committee.

The Council represents students vis-à-vis the Weizmann School of Science in matters directly related to student issues. Wherever possible, the Dean of the Weizmann School of Science will consult the Student Council on such matters especially if they might have retroactive implications. In addition to contacting the WSoS or the relevant Board of Studies, every student may also contact the Student Council for advice concerning personal problems related to academic affairs (including differences with advisors).

The Council runs a variety of social, cultural and extracurricular activities throughout the year. In addition it promotes volunteer activities by students for the benefit of the community at large

Contact Information

Email: student.council@weizmann.ac.il

Website: https://www.wis-studentcouncil.com