Physical Sciences
Credit points (CPs) accumulation
In the regular PhD Track: 12 CPs from courses and other assignments by the Final Report (6 CPs by the Interim Report)
In the direct PhD Track: 12 CPs by the Final Report (i.e., in addition to the MSc degree CPs requirements).
Required Courses
You are required to take an obligatory workshop on safety unless you already took this course as an MSc student at the Weizmann Institute (0 credits).
You are required to take an obligatory workshop on ethics unless you already took it as an MSc student at the Weizmann Institute (0 credits).
Prevention of sexual harassment
You are required to take an obligatory tutorial on prevention of sexual harassment unless you already took it as an MSc student at the Weizmann Institute (0 credits).
WSoS courses offered by other faculties
All non-physics courses can be credited to PhD physics students.
The total credit points for non-physics courses are limited by 4 CPs.
Passing the 4 CPs limit will be considered by the BOS on a case-by-case basis, upon submission of a request explaining why the course contributes to the student's research or may be considered a physics course.
Chemical Sciences
Credit points (CPs) accumulation
In the regular PhD Track: 12 CPs from courses and other assignments by the Final Report (6 CPs by the Interim Report)
In the direct PhD Track: 6 CPs by the Final Report (i.e., in addition to the MSc degree CPs requirements).
Required Courses
You are required to take an obligatory workshop on safety unless you already took this course as an MSc student at the Weizmann Institute (0 credits).
You are required to take an obligatory workshop on ethics unless you already took it as an MSc student at the Weizmann Institute (0 credits).
Prevention of sexual harassment
You are required to take an obligatory tutorial on prevention of sexual harassment unless you already took it as an MSc student at the Weizmann Institute (0 credits).
Life Sciences
General Comments
Distinct from the MSc track, the PhD track in Life Sciences does not comprise specialized programs such as Biology, Brain Sciences or Systems Biology.
As part of the admissions process, you will be interviewed by a committee of three Weizmann Institute scientists from the Life Sciences or other scientific disciplines. You are required to select a mentor for PhD studies prior to registration or to this interview. Finding a potential mentor and working in his or her lab does not guarantee acceptance to the PhD studies program.
The transition from MSc to PhD studies at the WSoS will require the approval of the Board of Studies in Life Sciences and will be based on course grades and the recommendation of the MSc thesis defense committee.
Credit points (CPs) accumulation
In the regular PhD Track: 12 CPs from courses and other assignments by the Final Report (6 CPs by the Interim Report)
In the direct PhD Track: 6 CPs by the Final Report (i.e., in addition to the MSc degree CPs requirements).
Required Courses
Introduction to Statistics for Life Sciences
Applicable to students who started their studies in October 2015 and onward. Exempted from taking this course are only those students who took it during their MSc studies at the WSoS.
You are required to take an obligatory workshop on safety unless you already took this course as an MSc student at the Weizmann Institute (0 credits).
You are required to take an obligatory workshop on ethics unless you already took it as an MSc student at the Weizmann Institute (0 credits).
Prevention of sexual harassment
You are required to take an obligatory tutorial on prevention of sexual harassment unless you already took it as an MSc student at the Weizmann Institute (0 credits).
Additional courses
The Board of Studies may assess some students admitted to the PhD track for the Life Sciences as lacking certain areas of knowledge; they may, therefore, be instructed to take specific courses. The Board of Studies for the Life Sciences shall decide, at its discretion, whether such courses are to be included in the standard requirement of credit points for the PhD degree or supplementary to it.
Registration, attendance and dropping out of a course
Our PhD program in the Life Sciences offers three types of courses: lecture courses, seminar courses, and laboratory courses. All courses require pre-registration online.
Lecture Courses
Attendance obligation for each course is stated as part of the course details online.
Seminars and Lab courses
Attendance in all classes of a seminar or a laboratory course is obligatory. You are not allowed to withdraw from a seminar or laboratory course after it has started. However, before a course starts, you may cancel your registration, provided you notify the Weizmann School of Science of your decision in writing. This not only allows another student, on the waiting list, to attend the course but also ensures the participation of the minimal number of students required for the course to open.
Reduction in the number of credit points
You may approach your WSoS coordinator and ask that the number of credit points be reduced from 12 to 10 provided that you:
Completed your MSc studies at WSoS
Continued from MSc to Ph.D. without a break (or with a gap of no more than one year)
ccumulated at least two extra credit points in your MSc studies (e.g., 26 instead of 24)
If you are in the Ph.D. direct track, the Graduate School automatically considers all the courses, grades, and credit points as part of your Ph.D. transcript. In this case, the total number of credit points that you must complete to receive a PhD (you must finish them by the time you are required to submit your Final Report) is 30.
Credit Points for External Courses (including Coursera courses)
Please note that for external courses (by Coursera or other external courses such as WIS IT courses / The Hebrew University, etc.), you can gain a maximum of 3.0 credit points (each course worth 1.5 CPs), regardless the course requirements and hours.
You may gain credit points from one Coursera course only, and the extra 1.5 CPs from another external course.
Step 1: Registration (the student)
Register for the course. If it is offered by an Israeli research university (except for the Faculty of Agriculture), you will need a special letter from the WSoS Coordinator of Courses to waive the course fees (this benefit is allowed for one course per one university in the duration of your PhD studies). If the course is offered by Coursera, you will have to purchase the right to receive a certificate upon successful completion of the course.
Step 2: Completion (the student)
Upon successful completion of the course, please email the WSoS Coordinator of Courses a transcript listing the course. If it is a Coursera course, you must attach the course certificate and a receipt to the email. The WSoS will update your records with the newly gained credit points.
In the case of a Coursera course, the WSoS will reimburse you for partial cost of the certificate (up to $100 per course for one course only).
Before registering, please double-check with the WSoS Coordinator of Courses about the current WSoS reimbursement amount.
Any application for reimbursement must include a copy of the official Coursera certificate indicating successful completion of the course and a copy of the receipt.
Credit points from WSoS courses
As a PhD student, you may take any course offered by the other Boards of Studies at the Weizmann School of Science (except for courses in the Science Teaching track and in the Teaching Certification Program). You will be awarded the same credit points.
Departmental Seminars and External Lectures
Credit points gained from departmental seminars and external lectures are NOT counted as part of the 3 credit points constraint for external courses mentioned above.
As a student in the Life Sciences, you are expected to give at least one departmental seminar during your PhD studies. Departmental seminar presentations award a 0.5 credit point each, at the discretion of the Board of Studies. During your PhD studies, you are entitled to accumulate up to a maximum of one (1) credit point from departmental seminars and external lectures, including a presentation at conferences.
If you present your research orally at a scientific conference (at least 10 minutes presentation), you may ask the BoS to consider awarding you a 0.5 credit point for your oral presentation. You can contact the BoS by sending an email to the WSoS Faculty Coordinator. The following are pre-conditions for approval of credit points in this category:
You must give an oral lecture, not a poster presentation.
It must be presented at a conference that is open to all; it cannot be a closed consortium.
It must be given within twelve months of submitting your request to the Board.
The meeting can take place in Israel or abroad.
You must provide either a letter of invitation to speak or a copy of the program with the lecture listed in it.
You must submit your request after the event has taken place.
Mathematics and Computer Science
Credit points (CPs) accumulation
In the regular PhD Track: 12 CPs from courses and other assignments by the Final Report (6 CPs by the Interim Report)
In the direct PhD Track: 12 CPs by the Final Report (i.e., in addition to the MSc degree CPs requirements).
At least half of your points should be Mathematics & Computer Science courses. Your choice of courses should be guided by the principles of academic excellence. They should be relevant to your work, yet broad and diverse with respect to subjects and instructors. You are welcome to discuss your choices with your advisors, with the advisory committee or with the members of the Board of Studies. Special requests should be sent by email to Chair of the Board of Studies.
Required Courses
You are required to take an obligatory workshop on safety unless you already took this course as an MSc student at the Weizmann Institute (0 credits).
You are required to take an obligatory workshop on ethics unless you already took it as an MSc student at the Weizmann Institute (0 credits).
Prevention of sexual harassment
You are required to take an obligatory tutorial on prevention of sexual harassment unless you already took it as an MSc student at the Weizmann Institute (0 credits).
Enrichment Courses
You may obtain credit points for participation in the enrichment courses program. Subject to the recommendation of course instructors AND approval by the Chair of the Board of Studies, you may obtain 2 credit points for each enrichment course, but not more than 4 credit points for courses in that category
Science Teaching
Credit points (CPs) accumulation
Students WITH an MSc in Science Teaching are required to accumulate the following credit points:
In the regular PhD Track: 14 CPs from courses and other assignments by the Final Report (7 CPs by the Interim Report)
In the direct PhD Track: 10 CPs by the Final Report (i.e., in addition to the MSc degree CPs requirements).
By the Final Report, students must have completed, during their MSc or PhD studies, the following courses or their equivalents:
- Introduction to Science Education or Introduction to Mathematics Education
- Introduction to the Methodology of Science Education Research
- Qualitative Research Methods
- Quantitative Research Methods
- Cognition, Learning and Instruction
- Thesis Seminar and Departmental Semin
WSoS Coordinators
Course & Exams
Netta Dvora RamSend mail to Netta Dvora RamPhone: +972-8-934-6092Course & Exams
Nurit SobelsonSend mail to Nurit SobelsonPhone: +972-8-934-6238Physics
Michal KiriSend mail to Michal KiriPhone: +972-8-934-3839Chemistry
Michal KiriSend mail to Michal KiriPhone: +972-8-934-3839Life Sciences: Biology
Adi ShimronSend mail to Adi ShimronPhone: +972-8-934-4553Life Sciences: Biochemistry
Anat ShabatSend mail to Anat ShabatPhone: +972-8-934-3843Math & CS
Moran Held SassonSend mail to Moran Held SassonPhone: +972-8-934-6585Science Teaching
Moran Held SassonSend mail to Moran Held SassonPhone: +972-8-934-6585