Department of Biomolecular Sciences
PhD position
Growth control in neurons and other large cells
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Size matters, especially in neurons. Differentiated cells in higher eukaryotes exhibit a wide variety of shapes and sizes, while maintaining defined size ranges within cell subtypes. How do they do that? Genome expression must be matched to different cell sizes, with rapidly growing cells likely requiring higher transcriptional and translational output than cells in slow growth or maintenance phase. Neurons exhibit the greatest size differences of any class of cells, with process lengths ranging from a few microns in central interneurons to a meter in human peripheral neurons, and even longer in larger mammals. We are working on mechanisms of cell length and size sensing in neurons and other large cells, and how these mechanisms control growth and regeneration. People can integrate to a range of projects within this theme. For general information on our research please see the group home page at . Please note that research in our group requires work in animal models (mice, rats).
Department of Biomolecular Sciences
PhD position
Understanding how the transcription and translation processes control the cellular response to extra-cellular stimuli in health and disease
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Regulation of gene expression at the transcriptional and translational levels is fundamental to all biological activities and is frequently altered in disease states. Our broad research interests are (i) to elucidate how the transcription and translation processes control the cellular response to environmental stimuli, (ii) to reveal the connections between the transcription and translation processes, and (iii) to develop tools to manipulate these processes for the potential treatment of cancer, chronic inflammation, and neurodegenerative diseases.
Department of Condensed Matter Physics
PhD position
Scanning probe microscopy of quantum and topological states of matter
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Study of quantum and topological states of matter using novel scanning probe microscopy tools. We have recently developed a nano-SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device) that resides on a very sharp tip and allows imaging of local magnetic fields with single electron spin sensitivity and of current flow patterns. This device provides also a unique tool for cryogenic thermal imaging with 1 ֲµK sensitivity and scanning gate microscopy allowing imaging electron scattering and dissipation mechanisms on the nanoscale. The project will focus on utilizing these novel techniques for microscopic investigation of topological and quantum states of matter including investigation of local topology, superconductivity, magnetism, strongly correlated electronic states, and dissipation in graphene, moiré superlattices, and van der Waals heterostructures.
Department of Biomolecular Sciences
PhD position
Interactions between circadian clocks and exercise physiology
We employ various clock mutant mouse models with different light regimens to characterize the interaction between clocks and exercise. Further, we have designed and built fully automated time-controlled Running Wheels that can be programmed in advance to be in locked or unlocked positions for designated times to enable scheduled training of animals without manual interventions.
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Circadian clocks are key regulators of daily physiology and metabolism in mammals. Our understanding of the role of the circadian clock and specific clock proteins in controlling exercise capacity is rudimentary. Consequently, there is growing interest in exercise biology in general, specifically in its interaction with other processes that govern whole-body physiology and metabolism. We have reported that mice show a day-time variance in exercise capacity, and it is affected by exercise intensity and clock proteins and elicits a distinct muscle transcriptomic and metabolic signature. Specifically, we demonstrated that ZMP, an AMPK activator, is induced by exercise in a daytime-dependent manner. We continue to study various aspects of exercise physiology through the lens of circadian biology (Ezagouri et al., Cell Metabolism, 2019; Adamovich et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 2021.).
Department of Molecular Genetics
PhD position
The Laufman lab studies the ways human RNA viruses interact with their host cells and transform them into viral manufactories using state-of-the-art microscopy, molecular and cell biology, genetic and biochemistry approaches. We tackle questions at the forefront of the exciting field of virology. We are looking for talented and highly motivated PhD students to join us. If you possess a strong background in molecular biology and the passion to execute a groundbreaking research - your place is with us! We offer an exceptional scientific environment to develop into a mature top-class researcher. Our team members enjoy a pleasant and supportive research environment at the heart of the vibrant campus of the Weizmann Institute of Science.
Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics
PhD position
Data analysis from the ATLAS experiment.
Heavy Ion Physics is about exploring what the Strong Force Interaction is. Our World is not only confined to two- and three-quark particles. Imagine a system built of as many quarks as you want. Do we know enough to tell how such a system would behave? Would it be a quark-gluon plasma, a hadronic gas, or liquid? Does QCD do a good job predicting its properties, or...
You can help to find answers to these and many other questions. About one month in a year, the LHC collides ions of heavy elements. Each of these collisions is a mini-universe that sends hundreds of times more particles into ATLAS detector than a proton-proton interaction. You can be a part of a team to dive into this sea of quarks and gluons and find an answer to one of many questions.
Heavy-ion data from the ATLAS experiment is an excellent opportunity for students seeking an academic carrier to do research and get fantastic visibility in the physics community. But if you want to learn the most sophisticated data analysis, create your own algorithms, and get into the world of finance, data mining or high-tech, it's a place for you too.
Department of Biomolecular Sciences
PhD position
Clocks resetting
How the clock integrates different resetting cues? Are there differences in resetting capacity between different cell types? How different pharmaceutics influence the clock? Can it be harnessed to improve therapy?
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Our lab has a longstanding interest in circadian clock resetting. We previously have identified and characterized novel resetting cues such as hypoxia and CO2. Recently, we have developed a new method to study resetting agents in vitro in an efficient and high-throughput manner, dubbed Circa-SCOPE. The method allows screening of multiple drugs in parallel to identify which affects the clock and how. Hence, it opens the door to a wide range of basic and translational research opportunities.
Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics
PhD position
We live in fortunate times, where there are still many fundamental unsolved problems in astrophysics, while technological progress allows new observations, which may make some of them solvable. Now is the time to attack the most puzzling challenges posed to us by the Universe.
Join Doron Kushnir's group to study explosions and extreme stars of the Universe. We use theoretical and computational tools to interpret state-of-the-art observations, aiming at resolving fundamental problems in astrophysics.
Department of Biomolecular Sciences
PhD position
Membrane protein folding and quality control
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Membrane proteins make up a quarter of the proteome of every living organism and participate in nearly every biological process. We are interested in the fascinating process of how these proteins get produced, fold, and assemble in cells. The questions we address are: How do proteins fold in the membranes of living cells? How do the dynamic features of unfolded proteins assist in this process? How do cellular factors recognize membrane proteins that failed to fold and need to be cleared? The lab combines biochemical, cell biology, genetic and computational tools. For more details, visit
Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences
PhD position
We are looking for extremely talented candidates to study the roles of dense mineral phases in the formation of biomaterials.
Department of Biomolecular Sciences
PhD position
Oxygen and Circadian Clocks
How does chronic exposure to hypoxia, as occurs with people living at high altitude, affects the human clock? How oxygen is connected to exercise performance and is there a time preference for high altitude training? (Tripartite model for performance: Clocks, oxygen, and exercise) How does HIF-1a endogenously integrate with circadian clock complexes during the circadian cycle? How do HIF-1a and BMAL1 regulate rhythmic transcriptome?
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We demonstrated that low-amplitude oxygen cycles, which mimic the daily physiological cycles in oxygen levels observed in rodents, can reset the clock in a HIF-1a-dependent manner (Adamovich et al., Cell Metabolism 2017). Subsequently, we showed that oxygen and carbon dioxide rhythms are circadian clock controlled and differentially directed by behavioral signals (Adamovich et al., Cell Metabolism 2019). More recently we found that hypoxic conditions, as occur in sleep apnea, elicit circadian misalignment between clocks in different peripheral organs (Manella et al., P.N.A.S. 2020). We continue our venture to study the cross-talk between oxygen and circadian clocks at different levels.
Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics
PhD position
Theoretical high energy astrophysics research
Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics
PhD position
Theoretical high energy physics: string theory, field theory, gravity, black holes, relations to stat. mech., condensed matter physics and quantum chaos.
Department of Physics of Complex Systems
PhD position
Our research centers on the theory of complex systems and biophysics, applied to a broad spectrum of problems, mainly in the context of the physics of living systems. Our research is often done in collaboration with experimental groups. Key themes of our lab include mathematical modeling of cell growth and mechanics, both at the single-cell level and the population level, stochastic processes, disordered systems, and coarse-grained modeling of complex processes.
For more information and recent publications see:
Department of Molecular Cell Biology
PhD position
Immunotherapy has sparked new hope for oncology in recent years, due to its remarkable ability to induce durable response in patients with metastatic cancer. It is therefore essential to accurately delineate the interactions of cancer cells with the immune system. The project will use multiomic tools including whole exome sequencing , RNAseq, ribosome profiling, proteomic, HLA-peptidomics and systems biology to decipher the genetic, neo-antigenic and immune landscape in melanoma. Followup functional and immunological analysis of relevant genes and neoantigens will be conducted using novel mouse models
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Within the past decade, major advances have been made in the treatment of melanoma through the use of targeted therapy and immunotherapy, however responses are not universal and are not always durable. The project aims to further delineate the interactions of melanoma cells with the immune system to better understand molecular and immune mechanisms of therapeutic response and resistance. Our lab combines genomic tools, systems biology tools, advanced somatic cell knockout and knock-in techniques and various comprehensive mouse model approaches to study melanoma immune-genetics. Our studies link basic biology, computational biology and clinical studies. Trainees will learn sophisticated technologies such as whole exome sequencing, Riboseq, HLA-peptidomics, somatic cell knockouts and expression and proteomic analyses. Candidates who wish to join the group may contact me at:
Department of Chemical and Biological Physics
PhD position
Students with interest in working with magnetic resonance are sought for the development of new metabolic imaging experiments. The student will work on understanding the physics and performing an array of new MRI experiments on high end scanners, and apply these in the detection of small tumors, and in the evaluation of chemotherapeutic and biological treatments. The student will be advised by physicists, chemists and biologists/clinicians in this project
Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics
PhD position
Using novel statistical and algorithmic tools to improve observational astrophysics (exoplanets, gravitational waves and pulsar astrophysics)
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The research in my group focuses on observational astrophysics, and our main tools are algorithms and statistics. We use these tools to improve observing capabilities in pulsar, FRB, exoplanet and gravitational wave astronomy.
Observational astrophysics is full with algorithmic and statistical questions that once solved, will dramatically improve our ability to observe the cosmos.
In my group, we combine tools of signal processing, statistical inference, dynamic programming, data structures, lattice algorithms, linear algebra algorithms, signal approximation, phase retrieval, optimization and Bayesian parameter estimation. Mastering these will be an indispensable tool for you wherever you go (academy / Hi-Tech)
It is very common that we invent new tools while trying to observe the cosmos. If you are looking for ways in which you can use your talent and creativity to observe the cosmos, this job post is for you.
Department of Biomolecular Sciences
PhD position
We have open positions for Ph.D. candidates interested in mechanisms of channel regulation by GPCRs using, but not limited to, computational (molecular dynamics), electrophysiological, molecular and/or optical methodologies.
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G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest gene family in the human genome. Their role is to translate chemical information into cellular responses, like olfactory processing, neuronal activity modulation, and hormone actions or regulating blood pressure among many. Their cellular effectors can range from various enzymes to ion channels. Interestingly, nature has designed the GPCR as a major target for many natural compounds and the pharmaceutical industry has focused its attention on designing various agonists and antagonists to treat various illnesses. In the lab, we focus on the regulation of ion channels by GPCRs with the main focus on the regulation of potassium channels. This form of regulation comprises one of the major mechanisms in controlling slow synaptic inhibition in the brain, a process when compromised leads to seizures ataxia, and many other neuronal abnormalities.
The lab's interests span from a molecular understanding of channel regulating mechanisms at the single molecule level to animal behavior using various electrophysiological, molecular, imaging, and computational tools.
We seek highly motivated students to join us in this very exciting scientific journey.
Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics
PhD position
Ph.D thesis work in observational astrophysics with a focus on early observations and in particular spectroscopy of exploding stars
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I am looking for a student interesting in observational work focussed on observations, in particular spectroscopic, of exploding stars (supernovae), very shortly (within hours or days) of the explosion. The project includes analysis of a large set of data already in hand (the largest and best of its kind in the world; in collaboration with an experienced postdoc) as well as work toward obtaining even better data with the new spectroscopic array being developed in our Neot Smadar Observatory and a new instrument coming on line in Chile.
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
PhD position
Developing AI architectures for extreme weather events forecasting.
Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
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PhD student position: Developing AI architectures for extreme weather events forecasting.
Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Develop and explore AI architectures for extreme weather events forecasting, driven by remote sensing and in-situ data, to replace theory-driven climate models.
Explore explainable AI approaches to gain a scientific understanding of the weather events' precursor processes and their physical patterns.
Identify and define unique challenges for AI in the field of remote sensing-driven extreme weather forecast models, and study novel solutions.
Explore the integration of fundamental physical and atmospherical theory (e.g., Navier–Stokes equations) within deep learning architectures.
Study unsupervised approaches for learning concise representations of large-scale spatio-temporal meteorological data sequences for various tasks, including memory compression, clustering, augmentation, and generative purposes.
The candidate is expected to advance the group's current AI capabilities and to be a source of knowledge for various machine learning and data science tasks carried out by other group members, including R&D projects of a drone-based system. Candidates should be passionate about Earth and planetary sciences, working in a small research team, and collaborating with researchers from other disciplines.
Minimum Qualifications:
- MSc in computer sciences/ physics/ environmental science/ engineering /statistics/ related fields
- Proven experience (theory and hands-on) in Statistical modeling/ machine learning / deep learning.
- Experience in developing research projects, from data acquisition through analysis to prediction.
- Proven independence, self-management, and self-learning skills
- Proven teamwork skills
Preferred Background in:
- Experience with Python packages such as Scikit-learn, Pytorch, Tensorflow, etc.
- Experience in the analysis of spatio-temporal data/ remote-sensing/
- monitoring networks.
- In-depth understanding of deep learning theory
Department of Chemical and Biological Physics
PhD position
Study protein dynamics using advanced single-molecule fluorescence methods.
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Proteins jiggle and wiggle all the time as they perform various tasks within living cells. We are attempting to understand how internal motions within protein machines are related to their various functions. We use sophisticated single-molecule methods developed in the group. Our work is highly interdisciplinary, going all the way from protein chemistry (expression and labeling) through single-molecule experiments to computational analysis. If you decide to join us, you will not only get acquainted with topics at the forefront of biophysics, but will also work within an energetic and vibrant group of scientists.
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
PhD position
Studying the Microbiome of the atmosphere.
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The atmospheric transport of microorganisms can affect the biodiversity and health of global ecosystems. However, the processes influencing airborne bacterial communities' abundance, composition, and dispersal are still not well understood. We study the aerial microbiome to better understand the structure, function, and ecological drivers of airborne communities transported by dust-plumes in the Eastern Mediterranean. We use state-of-the-art aerosol sampling techniques, Next-generation sequencing (NGS), molecular biology and bioinformatics tools.
We are looking for highly motivated and curious PhD students and PostDocs to join our team.
Required qualifications:
- MSc. or PhD. degree in microbial ecology, environmental genomics or related fields.
- Experience in DNA/RNA extraction techniques.
- Experience in bioinformatic/biostatistical pipelines using R or Python.
- Knowledge on the analysis and interpretation of microbial community genomics data.
The following additional qualifications will be advantageous:
- Background in bioaerosol research or related fields.
- Knowledge on molecular biology and microbiology techniques (i.e., genomic sequencing, qPCR, flow cytometry, cell culturing).
- The generation of NGS sequencing libraries.
Please contact:
Prof. Yinon Rudich
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Weizmann Institute of Science
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
PhD position
Develop and explore AI architectures for extreme weather events forecasting, driven by remote sensing and in-situ data, to replace theory-driven climate models.
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Develop and explore AI architectures for extreme weather events forecasting, driven by remote sensing and in-situ data, to replace theory-driven climate models.
Explore explainable AI approaches to gain a scientific understanding of the weather events' precursor processes and their physical patterns.
Identify and define unique challenges for AI in the field of remote sensing-driven extreme weather forecast models, and study novel solutions.
Explore the integration of fundamental physical and atmospherical theory (e.g., Navier–Stokes equations) within deep learning architectures.
Study unsupervised approaches for learning concise representations of large-scale spatio-temporal meteorological data sequences for various tasks, including memory compression, clustering, augmentation, and generative purposes.
The candidate is expected to advance the group's current AI capabilities and to be a source of knowledge for various machine learning and data science tasks carried out by other group members, including R&D projects of a drone-based system. Candidates should be passionate about Earth and planetary sciences, working in a small research team, and collaborating with researchers from other disciplines.
Minimum Qualifications:
- MSc in computer sciences/ physics/ environmental science/ engineering /statistics/ related fields
- Proven experience (theory and hands-on) in Statistical modeling/ machine learning / deep learning.
- Experience in developing research projects, from data acquisition through analysis to prediction.
- Proven independence, self-management, and self-learning skills
- Proven teamwork skills
Preferred Background in:
- Experience with Python packages such as Scikit-learn, Pytorch, Tensorflow, etc.
- Experience in the analysis of spatiotemporal data/remote sensing/
- monitoring networks.
- In-depth understanding of deep learning theory
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
PhD position
Studying the Microbiome of the atmosphere.
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The atmospheric transport of microorganisms can affect the biodiversity and health of global ecosystems. However, the processes influencing airborne bacterial communities' abundance, composition, and dispersal are still not well understood. We study the aerial microbiome to better understand the structure, function, and ecological drivers of airborne communities transported by dust-plumes in the Eastern Mediterranean. We use state-of-the-art aerosol sampling techniques, Next-generation sequencing (NGS), molecular biology and bioinformatics tools.
We are looking for highly motivated and curious PhD students and PostDocs to join our team.
Required qualifications:
- MSc. or PhD. degree in microbial ecology, environmental genomics or related fields.
- Experience in DNA/RNA extraction techniques.
- Experience in bioinformatic/biostatistical pipelines using R or Python.
- Knowledge on the analysis and interpretation of microbial community genomics data.
The following additional qualifications will be advantageous:
- Background in bioaerosol research or related fields.
- Knowledge on molecular biology and microbiology techniques (i.e., genomic sequencing, qPCR, flow cytometry, cell culturing).
- The generation of NGS sequencing libraries.
Please contact:
Prof. Yinon Rudich
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Weizmann Institute of Science
Department of Physics of Complex Systems
PhD position
Experimental and theoretical studies of laser spin simulators and solvers
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We investigate phase locking of large arrays of coupled lasers in a modified degenerate cavity. We show that the minimal loss lasing solution is mapped to the ground state of an XY spin Hamiltonian with the same coupling matrix provided the intensity of all the lasers is uniform. We study the probability to obtain this ground state for various coupling schemes, system parameters and topological constrains. We demonstrate the effect of crowd synchrony with a sharp transition into an ordered state above a critical number of coupled lasers. Finally, we present recent results demonstrating the ability of our system to solve related problems such as phase retrieval, imaging through scattering medium and more.
Department of Physics of Complex Systems
PhD position
Experimental and theoretical studies of ultra-cold quantum degenerate Bose and Fermi gas
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In collaboration with Roee Ozeri we form Bose Einstein condensates of rubidium 87 atoms, quantum degenerated fermionic gas of potassium 40 atoms, and their mixtures using laser cooling and evaporative cooling in magnetic and far-detuned optical traps and study their properties. Such dilute quantum gases offer full control of external and internal degrees of freedom and variety of unique interrogation tools that enable precise studies of many body quantum systems.
By using magnetic Feshbach resonances we tune the system from weakly interacting where the it can be simply described by a macroscopic wave function to the strongly interacting where highly correlated many body states can be generated and studied. We study and characterize the coherence, dynamics and elementary excitations of these dilute quantum gases using laser and microwave probes and study new type of an opto-mechanical force when they are illuminated with far-detuned uniform laser beam.
Department of Physics of Complex Systems
PhD position
Experimental and theoretical studies of neutral atom quantum simulators
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In collaboration with Ofer Firstenberg recently started a new joint project on efficient coupling of neutral-atom tweezer arrays to light. On the theoretical side we are collaborating with Efi Shahmoon. We plan to extend Efi’s original ideas for strong coupling in atomic arrays in sub-wavelength optical lattices (recently verified experimentally by Immanuel Bloch) to the emerging and promising field of quantum simulators with Rydberg atoms in tweezer arrays, where the spacing between the atoms is larger than the wavelength. The challenge to achieved strong coupling to light in such large-spacing arrays emerges from the existence of many diffraction orders that cannot be controlled.
Our proposed scheme to overcome this challenge is based on two supplementary efforts: first we will reduce the spacing between neighboring atoms in the array to <1.5 microns, by suppressing the mutual interferences that limit this distance to >3 microns in most state of the art demonstrations. Such spacing reduction will reduce the non-vanishing diffraction orders from the periodic array from many tens to only few. Next we will incorporate the tweezer array inside a medium finesse optical cavity that will enhance the zero diffraction order as compared to the others so as to ensure strong coupling to it.
We plan to achieve strong coupling to light, show efficient transfer of coherence and quantum states from the array onto a single radiation mode and then use it to demonstrate and study novel schemes for quantum simulators within the atomic tweezer array as well as quantum coupling between tweezer arrays for “scalable” quantum computer based on Rydberg induced gates.
Department of Condensed Matter Physics
PhD position
Our lab investigates quantum phenomena which focus on the interplay between correlations and topology. This intriguing interplay allows to develop unique realizations of non-abelian quasi-particles (qps) which are neither Boson nor Fermion-like. Among the phases which host these qps are the well-known fractional quantum Hall effect, topological superconductivity, and the recently emerging field of moire-superlattcies (twistronics). We are developing experiments in these arrowheads to unravel this intriguing physics. This line of research often utilizes quantum materials whose reduced dimensionality enhances quantum effects. We profit from the use of various van der Waals (vdW) materials (graphene, hBN, TMDs, etc.) as well as high-mobility two-dimensional GaAs electron gas, which are both grown in our department. Fabrication is performed in a state-of-the-art clean room facility, specially designed for vdW materials nanofabrication. These devices will be measured with transport techniques including quantum Hall interferometry, Josephson interferometry, capacitance measurements, thermal transport, and shot noise measurements. These measurements require high magnetic fields and low electron temperatures. Our lab will be equipped with an 8mK wet dilution refrigerator with a 20T magnet, a 7mK dry dilution with a 3D vector magnet, as well as a variable temperature cryostat.
contact Yuval Ronen for more details
Department of Molecular Genetics
PhD position
Seeking Students Interested in Musculoskeletal Biology and Proprioception
Our lab is looking for motivated students interested in exploring the fascinating fields of musculoskeletal development, aging, and regeneration, with a focus on proprioception. If you're passionate about understanding how the body’s skeleton, muscles, and connective tissues develop, adapt, and regenerate over time, we’d love to hear from you. Join us in uncovering new insights into these critical processes!
Department of Chemical and Biological Physics
PhD position
Electron-phonon interaction under temperature gradients in atomic-scale junctions
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Electron-phonon interaction (EPI) is a central phenomenon in condensed matter physics, material science, and chemical physics. EPI plays an important role in superconductivity, electronic properties of perovskites, and in vibrational activated chemical reactions.
The study of EPI using atomic and molecular junctions is attractive not only because it opens the door for research at the atomic scale, but also due to the versatile conditions at which EPI can be explored. In the last two decades, EVI in molecular junctions has been extensively studied both by experimentalists and theoreticians, yet it has always been done at a constant temperature.
In this project, we propose to study EPI in atomic and molecular junctions subjected to temperature gradients. Revealing the properties of EPI in these unexplored conditions is important in the context of heat dissipation and heat transport, nanoscale thermopower and heat engines.
Department of Molecular Cell Biology
PhD position
E. coli as a model for aging
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Our lab combines experiments and theory to explore common principles in biology. We found universality in aging features across divers organisms including bacteria. We are looking for an experimental Ph. D student/postdoc fellow to study the dynamics of E. coli survival and aging
Department of Biomolecular Sciences
PhD position
We have open positions for Ph.D. candidates or Postdoc candidates interested in mechanisms of channels function, GPCRs regulation of Cellular processes emphasizing on ion channel regulation and the interaction between animal toxins and ion channels.
Department of Biomolecular Sciences
PhD position
OPEN PhD Position - MALARIA lab.
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Applicants with a strong research background at the intersection of molecular biology, biochemistry, imaging and/or biophysics are encouraged to apply. Experience in microbiology, molecular genetics (including CRISPR/Cas9), advanced imaging platforms (including image analysis) or advanced protein chemistry is advantageous.
This is a full-time position available from June 2022 for a period of three years with a possibility of a further extension subject to funding availability.
Candidate should send a cover letter and CV (includes a publication list) to Dr. Neta Regev-Rudzki.
For any informal inquiries please contact us by email at
Department of Chemical and Structural Biology
PhD position
We aim to understand comprehensively the mechanisms by which membrane proteins operate. We believe that “seeing is comprehending”, and therefore, we aim to:
1. Visualize to atomic resolution the 3D structures of the membrane proteins.
2. Video, on a single-molecule level, the motions of these membrane proteins as they function, either alone or through interactions with other proteins.
3. Understand how the structures and dynamics of the membrane proteins assist their functional activity.
We use cutting-edge techniques that allow us to achieve these goals, most particularly, high-speed atomic force microscopy (HS-AFM), cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), and an array of complementary biochemical and biophysical techniques.
For more details on the specific projects currently available, please contact
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
PhD position
Looking for PhD students interested in cloud physics, nonlinear dynamics, self-organizing systems, remote sensing, and radiation transfer.
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Our group studies clouds and their role in the climate system. We are interested in the dynamic and microphysical processes within clouds and cloud fields, cloud organization, atmospheric radiation transfer, and clouds' climatic trends. We are exploring the emergence of pattern formation within cloud fields using mathematical models and AI.
We develop analytical models, use numerical models, and analyze surface and satellite observations. Additionally, we are developing new AI approaches to study the emergence of patterns in self-organizing systems.
If you are interested in these topics and have a solid background in physics, geophysics, atmospheric sciences, and/or mathematics, you are welcome to contact us.
Department of Brain Sciences
PhD position
Looking for highly motivated students for the following research options:
- Studying the underlying mechanisms of tactile and auditory perception.
- Exploring the excitatory and inhibitory balance of cortical networks.
- Linking reduced cell-specific inhibition to abnormal brain activity in chronic stress.
Department of Physics of Complex Systems
PhD position
Fiber-optical analogue of the event horizon
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Hawking radiation - the emission of quantum particles at the event horizon of a black hole - connects gravity with quantum mechanics and thermodynamics; the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy has been the benchmark for potential quantum theories of gravity. But Hawking radiation has never been observed in astronomy, only in laboratory analogues including our experiment, and the chances of ever observing it in space are astronomically small. The energy of Hawking radiation must come from the gravitational field around the black hole, but how field quanta generate Hawking quanta has been unknown. We are working on getting experimental and theoretical evidence for the process that generates Hawking radiation in a fibre-optical analogue of the event horizon. There, as in gravity, it has been believed that Hawking radiation comes from a complicated, cascaded process; here we have found a simple, direct process and measured its backreaction on the field. Our findings suggest an equally direct process for other laboratory analogues and perhaps also for gravitational fields, shedding light on how black holes might radiate.
Department of Molecular Cell Biology
PhD position
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Ferroptosis is a newly discovered cell death pathway driven by iron-dependent lipid peroxidation. We recently discovered new inducers of ferroptosis, and specific metabolic states that increase vulnerability to ferroptosis, and thus can be used for cancer therapy. We have multidisciplinary projects related to ferroptosis in TNBC, and we are currently looking for a talented and enthusiastic student to join us.
Department of Systems Immunology
PhD position
We are looking for motivated and curious students to join us!
Our lab studies the evolutionary dynamics of immunity across the tree of life. As organisms have diversified over millions of years, so too have their immune systems, adapting to diverse environmental pressures and pathogenic challenges. By exploring the evolutionary trajectories of innate immunity, we aim to gain insights into the universal principles underlying immune mechanisms and their remarkable diversity across the tree of life.
Experimental, computational, or mixed projects are available. If you are interested in joining the lab, send an email with your CV and a brief description of your research interests.
Department of Chemical and Biological Physics
PhD position
Students are being sought for developing new experiments in the area of electron-enhanced nuclear magnetic resonance. This so-called dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) NMR experiment subjects electrons in the sample to microwave irradiation, and then uses the ensuing nuclear polarization enhancement to open new analytical and metabolic frontiers in NMR. Topics involved in this research will focus in the area of solution-state biomolecular hyperpolarized NMR. The research, to be carried out in collaboration with experts in protein and nucleic acids folding, and will use new multidimensional NMR experiments targeting sidechain and backbone sites in proteins as well as imino and amino sites in nucleic acids, while exploiting the transfer of magnetization from hyperpolarized water. The aim of this research is to exploit hyperpolarized solution-state NMR as a new tool to evaluate dynamic binding and folding processes of biomolecules under physiological conditions.
Department of Physics of Complex Systems
PhD position
Bacterial spatial ecology of an ancient site and active matter physics
Department of Chemical and Biological Physics
PhD position
The study of chemical reactions near absolute zero temperature in molecular junctions.
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Based on our work with Ullmann reactions at 4 Kelvin, where we demonstrate single-molecule polymerization of long individual monomers (not published yet), we propose to study chemical reactions at near-absolute-zero within molecular junctions. The atomically-sharp electrodes of molecular junctions open the door for the study of reactions on highly reactive low-coordinated metal surfaces, while the low temperature environment enable exploration of reactions induced by unconventional energy sources, such as atomic-scale friction and highly concentrated currents.
Department of Chemical and Biological Physics
PhD position
Quantum sensing using nanodiamonds
Department of Molecular Genetics
PhD position
Human brain organoids in health and disease.
Department of Brain Sciences
PhD position
Looking for outstanding, highly motivated students who are interested in behavioral neuroscience and systems neuroscience – in particular, interested in studying the brain experimentally in animal models, in order to understand mechanistically the neural basis of behavior and cognition – while employing cutting-edge data analysis methods.
We study the following topics:
1. Neural basis of natural behaviors – in particular: spatial navigation, and social behaviors.
2. Place cells, grid cells, head-direction cells, and social representations of self and others in animal groups.
3. We develop tiny wireless electrophysiology devices for conducting neural recordings in freely flying bats, using Tetrodes or Neuropixels probes – recording hundreds of neurons simultaneously in the hippocampal formation, prefrontal cortex, and other brain areas.
4. We have world-unique experimental setups: 700-meter flight tunnel, 60x35-meter flight maze, 3D flight rooms, Social colony rooms, and we also perform Electrophysiology Outdoors in bats flying on a remote oceanic island.
To read more about our “Natural Neuroscience” research philosophy, see:
Lab website:
Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences
PhD position
The Weizmann Tree Lab is looking for highly motivated and skilled hands-on PhD students!
More Information about PhD position
The Weizmann Tree Lab provides answers from the frontier of eco-physiology research.
- We discover new insights into how trees cycle water and nutrients between leaves, stems, and roots— including a “carbon trade” between roots of nearby trees.
- We investigate the drought-resistance mechanisms of trees.
- We adapted greenhouses with double the concentration of CO2 we have today to mimic what greenhouse gases might have in store for life on Earth 80 years from now.
We seek highly motivated and skilled hands-on PhD students!
M.Sc. in Biology, Agriculture, or a related field
Highly independent, hands-on, and self-motivated
High organization skills, thoroughness, and meticulousness
Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, in English
Team player; Excellent human relations
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