MSc positions

Research areas:
  • Prof. Brian Berkowitz | link for homepage

    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
    MSc position

    Theoretical/numerical modelling, and laboratory experiments, to investigate a wide range of physical and biogeochemical transport processes in geological materials and other porous materials.

  • Dr. Nir Fluman | link for homepage

    Department of Biomolecular Sciences
    MSc position

    Membrane protein folding and quality control

  • Prof. Doron Kushnir | link for homepage

    Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics
    MSc position

    We live in fortunate times, where there are still many fundamental unsolved problems in astrophysics, while technological progress allows new observations, which may make some of them solvable. Now is the time to attack the most puzzling challenges posed to us by the Universe.

    Join Doron Kushnir's group to study explosions and extreme stars of the Universe. We use theoretical and computational tools to interpret state-of-the-art observations, aiming at resolving fundamental problems in astrophysics. 


  • Prof. Alexander Milov | link for homepage

    Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics
    MSc position

    Particle physics data analysis / Particle physics detectors

    A standalone project that will be part of the real work at the lab.

  • Prof. Eli Zeldov | link for homepage

    Department of Condensed Matter Physics
    MSc position

    Scanning probe microscopy of quantum and topological states of matter

  • Prof. Eran Oded Ofek | link for homepage

    Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics
    MSc position

    M.Sc. in obsevational astrophysics, instrumentations, and methods.

  • Prof. Eli Waxman | link for homepage

    Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics
    MSc position

    Theoretical high energy astrophysics research

  • Prof. Micha Berkooz | link for homepage

    Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics
    MSc position

    Theoretical high energy physics: string theory, field theory, gravity, black holes, relations to stat. mech., condensed matter physics and quantum chaos.  

  • Dr. Ziv Meir | link for homepage

    Department of Physics of Complex Systems
    MSc position

    Experimental MSc projects related to trapping and quantum control of atomic and molecular ions are available.

    For more information on our lab, visit:

  • Dr. Hillel Aharoni | link for homepage

    Department of Physics of Complex Systems
    MSc position

    Geometry, topology and order in soft materials

  • Dr. Hillel Aharoni | link for homepage

    Department of Physics of Complex Systems
    MSc position

    Geometry, topology and order in soft materials

  • Prof. Ariel Amir | link for homepage

    Department of Physics of Complex Systems
    MSc position

    Our research centers on the theory of complex systems and biophysics, applied to a broad spectrum of problems, mainly in the context of the physics of living systems. Our research is often done in collaboration with experimental groups. Key themes of our lab include mathematical modeling of cell growth and mechanics, both at the single-cell level and the population level, stochastic processes, disordered systems, and coarse-grained modeling of complex processes. 

    For more information and recent publications see:

  • Prof. Mike Fainzilber | link for homepage

    Department of Biomolecular Sciences
    MSc position

    Size sensing and growth control in neurons

  • Prof. Lucio Frydman | link for homepage

    Department of Chemical and Biological Physics
    MSc position

    Students with interest in working with magnetic resonance are sought for the development of new metabolic imaging experiments. The student will work on understanding the physics and performing an array of new MRI experiments on high end scanners, and apply these in the detection of small tumors, and in the evaluation of chemotherapeutic and biological treatments. The student will be advised by physicists, chemists and biologists/clinicians in this project

  • Prof. Lucio Frydman | link for homepage

    Department of Chemical and Biological Physics
    MSc position

    Students are being sought for developing new experiments in the area of electron-enhanced nuclear magnetic resonance. This so-called dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) NMR experiment subjects electrons in the sample to microwave irradiation, and then uses the ensuing nuclear polarization enhancement to open new analytical and metabolic frontiers in NMR. Topics involved in this research will include developing new forms of quantum control between spins to enable a more efficient electron-->nuclear polarization transfer, automation, cryogenics, and the design and construction of radiofrequency and microwave components.  Programming experience also required. Applications of this project to solve both analytical and biophysical problems are also envisioned. 

  • Prof. Yardena Samuels | link for homepage

    Department of Molecular Cell Biology
    MSc position

    Immunotherapy has sparked new hope for oncology in recent years, due to its remarkable ability to induce durable response in patients with metastatic cancer. It is therefore essential to accurately delineate the interactions of cancer cells with the immune system. The project will use multiomic tools including whole exome sequencing , RNAseq, ribosome profiling, proteomic, HLA-peptidomics and systems biology to decipher the genetic, neo-antigenic and immune landscape in melanoma. Followup functional and immunological analysis of  relevant genes and neoantigens will be conducted using novel mouse models

  • Prof. Yosef Nir | link for homepage

    Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics
    MSc position

    Phenomenology of particle physics

  • Dr. Barak Zackay | link for homepage

    Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics
    MSc position

    Using novel statistical and algorithmic tools to improve observational astrophysics (exoplanets, gravitational waves and pulsar astrophysics)

  • Prof. Eitan Reuveny | link for homepage

    Department of Biomolecular Sciences
    MSc position

    We have open positions for Ph.D. candidates interested in mechanisms of channel regulation by GPCRs using, but not limited to, computational (molecular dynamics), electrophysiological, molecular and/or optical methodologies.

  • Prof. Gilad Haran | link for homepage

    Department of Chemical and Biological Physics
    MSc position

    Study protein dynamics using advanced single-molecule fluorescence methods.

  • Prof. Nir Davidson | link for homepage

    Department of Physics of Complex Systems
    MSc position

    Experimental and theoretical studies of laser spin simulators and solvers

  • Prof. Nir Davidson | link for homepage

    Department of Physics of Complex Systems
    MSc position

    Experimental and theoretical studies of ultra-cold quantum degenerate Bose and Fermi gas

  • Prof. Avishay Gal-Yam | link for homepage

    Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics
    MSc position

    M.Sc position in observational astrophysics: observing stars as they explode 

  • Prof. Nir Davidson | link for homepage

    Department of Physics of Complex Systems
    MSc position

    Experimental and theoretical studies of neutral atom quantum simulators

  • Prof. Avishay Gal-Yam | link for homepage

    Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics
    MSc position

    M.Sc student working on analysis of large astrophysical data sets including development of new analysis methods

  • Dr. Yuval Ronen | link for homepage

    Department of Condensed Matter Physics
    MSc position

    Our lab investigates quantum phenomena which focus on the interplay between correlations and topology. This intriguing interplay allows to develop unique realizations of non-abelian quasi-particles (qps) which are neither Boson nor Fermion-like. Among the phases which host these qps are the well-known fractional quantum Hall effect, topological superconductivity, and the recently emerging field of moire-superlattcies (twistronics). We are developing experiments in these arrowheads to unravel this intriguing physics. This line of research often utilizes quantum materials whose reduced dimensionality enhances quantum effects. We profit from the use of various van der Waals (vdW) materials (graphene, hBN, TMDs, etc.) as well as high-mobility two-dimensional GaAs electron gas, which are both grown in our department. Fabrication is performed in a state-of-the-art clean room facility, specially designed for vdW materials nanofabrication. These devices will be measured with transport techniques including quantum Hall interferometry, Josephson interferometry, capacitance measurements, thermal transport, and shot noise measurements. These measurements require high magnetic fields and low electron temperatures. Our lab will be equipped with an 8mK wet dilution refrigerator with a 20T magnet, a 7mK dry dilution with a 3D vector magnet, as well as a variable temperature cryostat.

    contact Yuval Ronen for more details

  • Dr. Shifra Lansky | link for homepage

    Department of Chemical and Structural Biology
    MSc position

    We aim to understand comprehensively the mechanisms by which membrane proteins operate. We believe that “seeing is comprehending”, and therefore, we aim to:

    1. Visualize to atomic resolution the 3D structures of the membrane proteins. 

    2. Video, on a single-molecule level, the motions of these membrane proteins as they function, either alone or through interactions with other proteins. 

    3. Understand how the structures and dynamics of the membrane proteins assist their functional activity.

    We use cutting-edge techniques that allow us to achieve these goals, most particularly, high-speed atomic force microscopy (HS-AFM), cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), and an array of complementary biochemical and biophysical techniques.

    For more details on the specific projects currently available, please contact

  • Prof. Ilan Koren | link for homepage

    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
    MSc position

    Looking for MSc students interested in cloud physics, nonlinear dynamics, self-organizing systems, remote sensing, and radiation transfer.

  • Prof. Ulf Leonhardt | link for homepage

    Department of Physics of Complex Systems
    MSc position

    Quantum limits of time travel

  • Prof. Joel Stavans | link for homepage

    Department of Physics of Complex Systems
    MSc position

    Physics and Biology of natural  microbial communities from an ancient site

  • Prof. Ulf Leonhardt | link for homepage

    Department of Physics of Complex Systems
    MSc position

    Fiber-optical analogue of the event horizon.

  • Prof. Joel Stavans | link for homepage

    Department of Physics of Complex Systems
    MSc position

    Experimental study of the ecology of bacterial communities from a 700 million year old site

  • Prof. Neta Regev-Rudzki | link for homepage

    Department of Biomolecular Sciences
    MSc position

    Malaria laboratory. We are seeking for highly motivated, committed and curious students.