Exploring Features That Play a Role in Adolescents Science Identity Development
Ofek-Geva E. & Fortus D. (2024), Research in Science Education. 54, 5, p. 867-889
The Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Parents and their Adolescent Children in Relation to Science Learning
Ofek-Geva E., Vinker-Shuster M., Yeshayahu Y. & Fortus D. (2023), Research in Science Education. 53, 3, p. 541-558
Disciplinary Learning Motivation and Its External Influencing Factors: Taking Physics in a \u201cSelection Crisis\u201d as an example
Jian-Xin Y., Yu-Xuan X., Tian L., Chu-Fan D., Yu-Ying G. & Fortus D. (2023), Research in Science Education. 53, 4, p. 823-839
Self-positioning in relation to science: the stories of nine adolescents
Ofek E. & Fortus D. (2023), International Journal of Science Education. 46, 3, p. 240-280
Transforming Issues-Based Science Education with Innovative Technologies
Lin J., Neuman K., Sadler T. D. & Fortus D. (2023), Journal of Science Education and Technology. 33, 2, p. 157-160
Conceptualization of Energy by Practicing Scientists: Do Researchers from Different Disciplines Grasp Energy as a Crosscutting Concept?
Abramovitch S. & Fortus D. (2023), Education Sciences. 13, 12, 1179
Shifting from Face-to-Face Instruction to Distance Learning of Science in China and Israel During COVID-19: Students Motivation and Teachers Motivational Practices
Fortus D., Lin J. & Passentin S. (2023), International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 21, 7, p. 2173-2183
The role of affect in science literacy for all
Fortus D., Lin J., Neumann K. & Sadler T. D. (2022), International Journal of Science Education. 44, 4, p. 535-555
Changes to students motivation to learn science
Fortus D. & Touitou I. (2021), Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research. 3, 1, 1
Exploring a pathway towards energy conservation through emphasizing the connections between energy, systems, and fields
Kubsch M., Opitz S., Nordine J., Neumann K., Fortus D. & Krajcik J. (2021), Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research. 3, 1, 2
Exploration of Teacher-Student Neural Coupling Occurring During the Teaching and Learning of Science
Lamb R., Fortus D., Sadler T., Neumann K., Kavner A. & Annetta L. (2021), Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies. 1, 1, p. 15-31
How do the personal experiences of adolescents aged 10-14 affect their affinity toward science and for science learning?
Ofek-Geva E. & Fortus D. (2021), Journal of research in science teaching : the official journal of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching.
The Onset of Puberty and Adolescents Motivation to Learn Science
Fortus D., Ofek-Geva E., Vinker-Shuster M., Mehlman T., Malitsky S., Brandis A. & Yeshayahu Y. (2021), Adolescent Health
Supporting Students in Using Energy Ideas to Interpret Phenomena: The Role of an Energy Representation
Kubsch M., Nordine J., Fortus D., Krajcik J. & Neumann K. (2020), International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 18, 8, p. 1635-1654
Transferring Knowledge in a Knowledge-in-Use Task-Investigating the Role of Knowledge Organization
Kubsch M., Touitou I., Nordine J., Fortus D., Neumann K. & Krajcik J. (2020), Education Sciences. 10, 1, 20
When goals do not concur: conflicting perceptions of school science
Fortus D. & Daphna L. (2020), Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research. 2, 6
Students' self-efficacy for science in different school systems
Dorfman B. & Fortus D. (2019), Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 56, 8, p. 1037-1059
Systems, transfer, and fields: Evaluating a new approach to energy instruction
Fortus D., Kubsch M., Bielik T., Krajcik J., Lehavi Y., Neumann K., Nordine J., Opitz S. & Touitou I. (2019), Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 56, 10, p. 1341-1361
Modelling energy transfers between systems to support energy knowledge in use
Nordine J., Fortus D., Lehavi Y., Neumann K. & Krajcik J. (2018), Studies in Science Education. 54, 2, p. 177-206
Teachers' Mastery Goals: Using a Self-Report Survey to Study the Relations between Teaching Practices and Students' Motivation for Science Learning
Vedder-Weiss D. & Fortus D. (2018), Research in Science Education. 48, p. 181-206
Adolescents goal orientations for science in single-gender Israeli religious schools
Fortus D. & Daphna L. (2017), International Journal of Science Education. 39, 1, p. 86-103
High School Students Meta-Modeling Knowledge
Fortus D., Shwartz Y. & Rosenfeld S. (2016), Research in Science Education. 46, p. 787-810
Assessing the role of curriculum coherence in student learning about energy
Fortus D., Adams L., Krajcik J. & Reiser B. J. (2015), Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 52, 10, p. 1408-1425
Attending to affect
Fortus D. (2014), Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 51, 7, p. 821-835
Measuring students' continuing motivation for science learning
Fortus D. & Vedder Weiss W. D. (2014), Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 51, 4, p. 497-522
School, teacher, peers, and parents' goals emphases and adolescents' motivation to learn science in and out of school
Vedder Weiss W. D. & Fortus D. (2013), Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 50, 8, p. 952-988
South African physical sciences teachers' perceptions of new content in a revised curriculum
Ramnarain U. & Fortus D. (2013), South African Journal of Education. 33, 1, p. 1-15
Adolescents' declining motivation to learn science: A follow-up study
Vedder Weiss D. & Fortus D. (2012), Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 49, 9, p. 1057-1095
Adolescents' Declining motivation to learn science: Inevitable or not?
Vedder Weiss D. & Fortus D. (2011), Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 48, 2, p. 199-216
Transforming energy instruction in middle school to support integrated understanding and future learning
Nordine J., Krajcik J. & Fortus D. (2011), Science Education. 95, 4, p. 670-699
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Developing Students' Sense of Purpose With a Driving Question Board
Weizman A., Shwartz Y. & Fortus D. (2010), Exemplary Science For Resolving Societal Challenges. p. 111-130
The Importance of Learning to Make Assumptions
Fortus D. (2009), Science Education. 93, 1, p. 86-108
Developing a learning progression for scientific modeling: Making scientific modeling accessible and meaningful for learners
Schwarz C. V., Reiser B. J., Davis E. A., Kenyon L., Acher A., Fortus D., Shwartz Y., Hug B. & Krajcik J. (2009), Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 46, 6, p. 632-654
The IQWST experience: Using coherence as a design principle for a middle school science curriculum
Shwartz Y., Weizman A., Fortus D., Krajcik J. & Reiser B. (2008), Elementary School Journal. 109, 2, p. 199-219
Design-based science and student learning
Fortus D., Dershimer R., Krajcik J., Marx R. & Mamlok-Naaman R. (2004), Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 41, 10, p. 1081-1110