Science & Technology for Junior High School | Publications
WhatsApp Discourse Throughout COVID-19: Towards Computerized Evaluation of the Development of a STEM Teachers Professional Learning Community
Scherz Z., Salman A., Alexandron G. & Shwartz Y. (2023), International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. 33, 4, p. 1120-1144
From Ideal to PracticalA Design of Teacher Professional Development on Socioscientific Issues
Eidin E. & Shwartz Y. (2023), Sustainability (Switzerland). 15, 14, 11394
Drawing as a Space for Social-Cognitive Interaction
De Andrade V., Freire S., Baptista M. & Shwartz Y. (2022), Education Sciences. 12, 1, 45
Students' mechanistic reasoning in practice: Enabling functions of drawing, gestures and talk
de Andrade V., Shwartz Y., Freire S. & Baptista M. (2022), Science Education. 106, 1, p. 199-225
Promoting Self-Regulated Learning by Designing a Chemistry Online Blended Learning Environment
Rosanne Eidelman R. & Shwartz Y. (2021), Long-term Research and Development in Science Education: What Have We Learned?. p. 44-70
Professional learning communities of science teachers: Theoretical and practical perspectives
Eylon B. S., Scherz Z. & Bagno E. (2020), STEM Teachers and Teaching in the Digital Era:Professional Expectations and Advancement in the 21st Century Schools. p. 65-89
A Holistic Approach to Incorporating Sustainability into Chemistry Education in Israel
Shwartz Y., Eidin E., Marchak D., Kesner M., Green N. A., Marom E., Cahen D., Hofstein A. & Dori Y. J. (2020), Chemistry Education for a Sustainable Society Volume 1:High School, Outreach, & Global Perspectives. Vol. 1344. p. 125-160
Science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge development during enactment of socioscientific curriculum materials
Bayram-Jacobs D., Henze I., Evagorou M., Shwartz Y., Aschim E. L., Alcaraz-Dominguez S., Barajas M. & Dagan E. (2019), Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 56, 9, p. 1207-1233
Technology to support teachers using evidence from student work to customize technology-enhanced inquiry units
Matuk C. F., Linn M. C. & Eylon B. S. (2015), Instructional Science. 43, p. 229-257
Designing Instruction to Improve Lifelong Inquiry Learning
Linn M. C., Eylon B. S., Rafferty A. & Vitale J. M. (2015), Eurasia Journal Of Mathematics Science And Technology Education. 11, 2, p. 217-225
School and out-of-school science: A model for bridging the gap
Fallik O., Rosenfeld S. & Eylon B. S. (2013), Studies in Science Education. 49, 1, p. 69-91
Towards accomplished practice in learning skills for science (LSS): The synergy between design and evaluation methodology in a reflective CPD programme
Scherz Z., Bialer L. & Eylon B. S. (2011), Research in Science & Technological Education. 29, 1, p. 49-69
Schmidt-Hopfeld I., Armiach M., Goldsmith R., Reifen R. & Eylon B. S. (2010)
Teaching scientific communication skills in science studies: Does it make a difference?
Spektor-Levy O., Eylon B. S. & Scherz Z. (2009), International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 7, 5, p. 875-903
Teaching communication skills in science: Tracing teacher change
Spektor-Levy O., Eylon B. S. & Scherz Z. (2008), Teaching and Teacher Education. 24, 2, p. 462-477
Evidence-based professional development of science teachers in two countries
Harrison C., Hofstein A., Eylon B. S. & Simon S. (2008), International Journal of Science Education. 30, 5, p. 577-591
Developing effective teacher beliefs about learners: the role of sensitizing teachers to individual learning differences
Rosenfeld M. & Rosenfeld S. (2008), Educational Psychology. 28, 3, p. 245-272
A longitudinal study of junior high school students' conceptions of the structure of materials
Margel H., Eylon B. S. & Scherz Z. (2008), Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 45, 1, p. 132-152
Motivating teachers to enact free-choice project-based learning in science and technology (PBLSAT): Effects of a professional development model
Fallik O., Eylon B. S. & Rosenfeld S. (2008), Journal of Science Teacher Education. 19, 6, p. 565-591
Learning aut teachers' accomplishment in 'Learning Skills for Science' practice: The use of portfolios in an evidence-based continuous professional development programme
Scherz Z., Bialer L. & Eylon B. S. (2008), International Journal of Science Education. 30, 5, p. 643-667
How to change students' images of science and technology
Scherz Z. & Oren M. (2006), Science Education. 90, 6, p. 965-985
Understanding teacher responses to constructivist learning environments: Challenges and resolutions
Rosenfeld M. & Rosenfeld S. (2006), Science Education. 90, 3, p. 385-399
From textiles to molecules - Teaching about fibers to integrate students' macro- and microscale knowledge of materials
Margel H., Eylon B. S. & Scherz Z. (2006), Journal of Chemical Education. 83, 10, p. 1552-1556
"Scientific communication": An instructional program for high-order learning skills and its impact on students' performance
Scherz Z., Spektor-Levy O. & Eylon B. S. (2005), Research and the Quality of Science Education. p. 231-243
"We Actually Saw Atoms with Our Own Eyes": Conceptions and Convictions in Using the Scanning Tunneling Microscope in Junior High School
Margel H., Eylon B. S. & Scherz Z. (2004), Journal of Chemical Education. 81, 4, p. 558-566
Effect of knowledge integration activities on students' perception of the earth's crust as a cyclic system
Kali Y., Orion N. & Eylon B. S. (2003), Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 40, 6, p. 545-565
Designing powerful learning environments and practical theories: The knowledge integration environment
Eylon B. S. (2000), International Journal of Science Education. 22, 8, p. 885-890
Development, implementation and evaluation of a course in expert systems for high-school students (poster)
Ragonis N., Shapiro E., Ben-Ari M. & Scherz Z. (1998), SIGMOD Record. 30, 3, p. 300
Scherz Z., GOLDBERG D. & FUND Z. (1990), Journal of Educational Computing Research. 6, 1, p. 89-110
Hierarchical task analysis an approach for diagnosing students conceptual difficulties
Eylon B. S., Ben-Zvi R. & Silberstein J. (1987), International Journal of Science Education. 9, 2, p. 187-196
What students say about science teaching, science teachers and science classes in Israel and the U.S.
Hofstein A., Scherz Z. & YAGER R. (1986), Science Education. 70, 1, p. 21-30
The use of Lawson's test of formal reasoning in the Israeli science education context
Hofstein A. & Mandler V. (1985), Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 22, 2, p. 141-152
מדעים ככלי למשאבי אנוש
Hershkowitz R., Ben-Zvi R. & Eylon B. S. (1983), הד החינוך. 3