The goals of the SciCar project are: (1) to systematically improve the level of expertise in science and technology education...
Leading team: Dr. Rachel Mamlok-Naaman Prof. Ron Blonder
A chemical escape room is a chemistry-inspired escape room that has been adapted for the education system. Five escape rooms have...
Leading team: Dr. Malka Yayon Dr. Shelley Rap Prof. Ron Blonder
Current research indicates that personalized education is one of the main bases for successfully addressing gaps in knowledge,...
Leading team: Prof. Ron Blonder Dr. Yael Shwartz Prof. Anat Yarden Dr. Giora Alexandron
Some experts claim that, should all the citizens of Israel employ strict and continuously mask-wearing behavior for a period of...
Leading team: Dr. Shelley Rap Dr. Debora Ivana Marchak Ben Hamo, (Didi) Prof. Ron Blonder
This study was designed to develop an evidence-based model for integrated (hybrid) practical experience, combining qualitative...
Leading team: Prof. Ron Blonder
This project deals with the development of CPKs (Customized Pedagogical Kits) for the teaching and learning of high school chemistry....
Leading team: Sara Akons Prof. Ron Blonder
PeTeL – Personalized Teaching and Learning Center – is an initiative introduced by the Department of Science Teaching...
Leading team: Dr. Shelly Livne Prof. Ron Blonder
The chemistry teachers’ PLCs (Professional Learning Communities) were launched in 2015 - originated as a joint initiative...
Leading team: Dr. Dvora Katchevich Prof. Ron Blonder
The “Speak to Me in Numbers” curriculum, based on a scientific dialogue between mathematics and data, addresses global...
Leading team: Dr. Shelley Rap Prof. Ron Blonder
The primary goals of the National Center for Chemistry Teachers are to address the professional development needs of chemistry...
Leading team: Dr. Debora Ivana Marchak Ben Hamo, (Didi) Prof. Ron Blonder
The WeSEM project (Weizmann’s educational Scanning Electron Microscope) aims to provide science learners with direct access...
Leading team: Ella Yonai Prof. Ron Blonder
ENGAGE is an EU-funded project aiming at achieving widespread integration of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) teaching...
Leading team: Dr. Yael Shwartz
IRRESISTIBLE brought together partners from ten different EU countries in an effort to raise the awareness of young people to...
The PARSEL project had several objectives: To create a network community comprised of individuals who work in the field...
Leading team: Prof. Avi Hofstein Dr. Rachel Mamlok-Naaman
PROFILES was funded by the FP7 program of the European Commission. The project’s consortium included 21 partner institutions...
Leading team: Dr. Rachel Mamlok-Naaman Prof. Avi Hofstein
The TEMI Project harnesses the universal appeal of magic tricks, myths and mysteries, to help school children across Europe develop...
Leading team: Dr. Rachel Mamlok-Naaman Prof. Avi Hofstein Prof. David Fortus
The Weizmann Institute of Science is a partner in The EduNano project: development of advanced courses designed to teach the skills...
Leading team: Prof. Ron Blonder Dr. Sidney Cohen
“We Have Chemistry!” is a national competition for students in 9th-12th grade, which has for the past 12 years been...
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