• Congratulations to Tanya Nazaretsky and Rotem Israel-Fishelson who won the 2023 prize for outstanding Ph.D. graduates in their transition to postdoctoral training in Science Education abroad

    The prize committee decided to award this year's prize to two winners:

    1. Tanya Nazaretsky, who recently completed her doctoral studies under the supervision of Giora Alexandron at the Weizmann Institute of Science, and recently started a postdoc in Tanja Käser's lab at EPFL, Switzerland.
    2. Rotem Israel-Fishelson, who recently completed her doctoral studies under the supervision of Arnon Hershkowitz at Tel Aviv University, and recently started a postdoc in David Weintrop's laboratory at the University of Maryland, USA.

    Congratulations and best wishes for continued success in their academic endeavors to both the award winners and the other excellent candidates who submitted an application.